By selecting from the sponsorship packages advertising and exhibitor information, you will be able to customize your visibility at the largest Texas conference for deaf educators and families. For further information on becoming a sponsor, contact Elaine Young at 512-919-5170 or email at
Sponsorship Levels
Rhodium Sponsor: $15,000+
Rhodium sponsors receive the following:
- 5-minute live welcome at opening Keynote Address
- Two complimentary conference registrations
- Sponsorship of a space or special offering (e.g. Interpreter Lounge, Breakfast) – contact Elaine Young at for more details
- A free booth in the exhibit area
- Acknowledgement in the opening keynote session
- Acknowledgement on conference signs
- Complimentary full page ad in conference program
- Acknowledgement on website
- Complimentary Logo included in conference app
- Company logo on website
- Company logo on conference bags
- Company brochures, pens, or other items allowed in attendees’ bags
- Link to sponsors homepage from the convention page on the SWCED website
- Sponsorship recognition on walk-in slide show during Opening Session
Palladium Sponsor: $7,500+
Palladium sponsors receive the following:
- 3-minute live welcome at the closing Keynote address
- One complimentary conference registration
- A free booth in the exhibit area
- Acknowledgement in the opening keynote session
- Acknowledgement on conference signs
- Complimentary full page ad in conference program
- Acknowledgement on website
- Complimentary Logo included in conference app
- Company logo on website
- Company logo on conference bags
- Company brochures, pens, or other items allowed in attendees’ bags
- Link to sponsors homepage from the convention page on the SWCED website
- Sponsorship recognition on walk-in slide show during Opening Session
Platinum Sponsor: $3,000+
Platinum sponsors receive the following:
- Conference App, Branded Lanyard, Bags, or Refreshment break
- A free booth in the exhibit area
- Acknowledgement in the opening keynote session
- Acknowledgement on conference signs
- Complimentary full page ad in conference program
- Acknowledgement on website
- Complimentary Logo included in conference app
- Company logo on website
- Company logo on conference bags
- Company brochures, pens, or other items allowed in attendees’ bags
- Link to sponsors homepage from the convention page on the SWCED website
- Sponsorship recognition on walk-in slide show during Opening Session
Gold Sponsor: $2,000+
Gold sponsors receive the following:
- A free booth in the exhibit area
- Acknowledgement in the opening keynote session
- Acknowledgement on conference signs
- Complimentary half page ad in conference program
- Acknowledgement on website
- Complimentary Logo included in conference app
- Company logo on website
- Company brochures, pens, or other items allowed in attendees’ bags
- Link to sponsors homepage from the convention page on the SWCED website
- Sponsorship recognition on walk-in slide show during Opening Session
Silver Sponsor: $1,000+
Silver sponsors receive the following:
- Acknowledgement in the opening keynote session
- Acknowledgement on conference signs
- Acknowledgement in program and on website
- Complimentary Logo included in conference app
- Company logo on website
- Company brochures, pens, or other items allowed in attendees’ bags
- Link to sponsors homepage from the convention page on the SWCED website
- Sponsorship recognition on walk-in slide show during Opening Session
Bronze Sponsor: $500+
Bronze sponsors receive the following:
- Acknowledgement in the opening keynote session
- Acknowledgement in program and on website
- Complimentary Logo included in conference app
- Company logo on website
- Company brochures, pens, or other items allowed in attendees’ bags
- Link to sponsors homepage from the convention page on the SWCED website
- Sponsorship recognition on walk-in slide show during Opening Session
Exhibit Hall Information
Rhodium, Palladium, Platinum and Gold sponsors receive a free exhibit booth. For information regarding the exhibit hall, please contact:
Brenda Wellen
Voice: 325-657—4055 ext. 345
Deadline & Mailing Information
The deadline for submitting sponsorship and advertising applications for the 2024 SWCED is May 1, 2024.
If paying by check, please mail checks to:
3001 Elsinor Dr
Ft. Worth, TX 76116
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